Link pages of our courses
- EDA132: Applied Artificial Intelligence
- DAT117: Machine Learning
- DAT125: Artificial Intelligence for Robots
- TNE701: Robot Design (summer course)
Some AI Links
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence
- AI Topics page from AAAI
- Carnegie Mellon's AI repository (old)
- Intelligent software agents repository
- MIT AI Lab
- University of Massachusetts Distributed AI research
- CMattie, The "Conscious" Mattie, a project at the Institute of Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis.
- AIxploratorium.
- CI space.
- Bayesian modeling.
- Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization, Brandeis University.
- Learning Common Lisp.
Some Robotics Links
- Links to government and university robotics labs, robotics conferences, competitions, etc.
- Robot Contest and Competitions FAQ
- Robot Store
- Evolutionary Robotics
- EURON: European Robotics Network
- Robotics education at CMU.
- The KISS Institute for Practical Robotics.
- The Handyboard home page.
- Georgia Tech Multi-Agent Robotics.
- Robotics at University of Southern California (Prof. Maja Mataric).
- Active Robots Ltd, UK.
Khepera links
- The Khepera FAQ
- Khepera simulator from LAMI
- LabView Support
- Pär Spjuth's Khepera Java classes:
- Robert Pallbo's Khepera Java classes: Khepera.tar.gz (the whole package), documentation (html).
- JKHEPERA at Freshmeat.
- Slawek Nowaczyk's Khepera C++ classes:
- The examination report (gzipped postscript) of Max Karlström (and the tarred, gzipped file with the report and additionally all the code developped).
Team Chaos (formerly Team Sweden, AIBO football)
- Team Chaos, Örebro University
Logic and Relatives
Other links
- Alice and Bob's story (if you are interested in cryptography)