Past Events until 2010
This page contains historical information about events organised by AI@CS group until 2010. More recent AI activities are held within the RSS group, or fell under the general announcements of the Department of CS.
Past seminars:
- August 26th, 2010, Annika Peters, Uni Bielefeld and Elin Anna Topp, AI@CS, Report of the interaction study.
- June 9th, 2010, Daniel Molin and Daniel Gustavsson, students, LTH, Expert system for error analysis - Rule based reasoning applied on log information and dump reports from mobile phones (Master thesis presentation).
- May 26th, 2010, Aleexander Toresson, student, LU, Real-time Cooperative Pathfinding (Master thesis presentation).
- June 17th, 2009, Erik Rufelt, Student, LTH, Map making with obstacle avoidance.
- June 12th, 2009, Mats Petter Wallander, ESD and AI@CS, LU, PhD defence, Constraint Programming Methods for Optimization of Single Shortest Path Routing
- May 6th, 2009, Petter Lidén, Student, LTH, Distributed Knowledge Sources in SIARAS.
- February 23rd, 2009, Fred Roberts, Artificial Solutions, Hamburg: Knowledge Engineering at Artificial Solutions - From Commercial Applications to Elbot
- January 28th, 2009, Lukasz Bytnar, exchange student, LU: mapping environment with Pioneer 3DX.
- January 19th, 2009, Magnus Johnsson, LUCS and AI@CS, LU, PhD defence, Sense of Touch in Robots.
- December 17th, 2008, Thorben Heins, exchange student, LTH, A case study of Active Logic .
- October 29th, 2008, Elin Anna Topp, Center for Autonomous System, KTH, Human-Robot Interaction and Mapping with a Service Robot: Human Augmented Mapping
- June 4th, 2008, Julien Delnaye, exchange student, LTH, A generic automatic theorem prover for active logics and similar labeled formal systems
- May 28th, 2008, Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, PhD defence, Conditional Partial Plans for Rational Situated Agents Capable of Deductive Reasoning and Inductive Learning
- May 28th, 2008, Prof. Hector Geffner, ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, AI at 50: From Programs to Solvers Models and Techniques for General Intelligence (OH slides)
- May 27th, 2008: Prof. Witold Lukaszewicz, University of Warmia and Mazury and College of Informatics and Economics, Olsztyn, Poland, Extending Knowledge Base Update into First-Order Knowledge Bases. (OH slides)
- May 21st, 2008: Kim Kemilä, LU, A negamax-based investigation of a board game Andantino
- May 24th, 2007: Magnus Johnsson, LUCS and AI@CS, LU, Neural network models of tactile perception together with three robot hands.
- May 10th, 2007: Jacek Malec, AI@CS, LU, Science in SIARAS.
- April 26th, 2007: Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, LU, Theorem proving in Active Logic.
- December 7th, 2006: David Gil Mendez, University of Alicante, Spain, An approach to modelling the lower urinary tract from a technological point of view
- November 30th, 2006: Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, LU, Partial planning for situated agents based on active logic;
- November 16th, 2006: Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, LU, Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence;
- November 2nd, 2006: Mikael Asker, AI@CS and Axis, Improving Active Consequence;
- October 19th, 2006: Mats-Petter Pettersson, AI@CS, LU, A CP-LP Approach to Network Management in OSPF Routing
- June 15th, 2006: Herman Bruyninckx, K. U. Leuven, Mechanical Eng., Mechatronics & Robotics Research Group, The Open Robot Control Software project OROCOS (Note time: 10.15)
- May 19th, 2006: Anders Johansson, LTH, Evolving humanoid robot walking using Genetic Algorithms (Master thesis, done at Waseda University, Humanoid Robotics Institute, Japan)
- April 8th, 2005: Anders Ardö and Koraljka Golub, IT, LTH, Activities at Knowledge Discovery and Digital Library Research Group (KnowLib), Digital Information Systems, Dept. of Information Technology (Presentation material)
- March 7th, 2005: SweConsNet 05 Workshop;
- March 4th, 2005: Jacek Malec, AI@CS, Overview of the SIARAS project;
- January 28th, 2005: Petra Björne, LUCS, Paul Reinerfeldt, AI@CS, Creativity: what it isn't and might be;
- January 14th, 2005: Henrik Drews, Andreas Olausson, Implementation and evaluation of automatic chess playing;
- December 3rd, 2004: Christian Grosse, Using neural nets for computer virus recognition;
- October 15th, 2004: Slawek Nowaczyk, AI@CS, Game-Theoretical Semantics for First Order Logic (Presentation material);
- October 8th, 2004: Iñaki Navarro Oiza, Reactive Cooperation of AIBO Robots (Master thesis presentation);
- September 17th, 2004: Magnus Johnsson, LUCS, Cortical Plasticity - A Model of Somatosensory Cortex;
- June 7th, 2004: Jonas Isberg, How Useful are Interactive Computer Games as an Environment for AI Research? (Master Thesis presentation);
- June 7th, 2004: Fredrik Winge, Sonar for a Khepera (Master Thesis presentation);
- May 5th, 2004: Mats Petter Pettersson, AI@CS, Reversed planning graphs;
- April 2nd, 2004: Sonia Fabre, Automatic Theorem Proving in Labelled Deductive Systems (presentation slides);
- March 24th, 2004: Pierre Nugues, CS, LTH, Carsim, a system to synthesize animated 3D scenes from written accident reports;
- February 25th, 2004: Jacek Malec, AI@CS, A modal active logic;
- February 11th, 2004: Christian Balkenius, LUCS, Attention Mechanisms: Ongoing Work at LUCS (Presentation);
- January 28th, 2004: Slawek Nowaczyk, AI@CS, Experiences from RoboCup 2003 participation;
- November 26th, 2003: Jonatan Aronsson, Genetic Programming of Multi-agent System in the RoboCup Domain (Master thesis presentation);
- November 19th, 2003: Julian Togelius Ekwall (Lund + Sussex), Evolution of layers in a subsumption architecture robot controller;
- October 8th, 2003: Jacek Malec, AI@CS, Active Logics for Planning;
- September 3rd, 2003: Mats Petter Pettersson, AI@CS, Modern Planning Techniques;
- June 11th, 2003: Krzysztof Pawlowski, AstraZeneca, Lund, Bioinformatics / computational biology in pharmaceutical industry;
- May 28th, 2003: Per Flensburg, Växjö University, Var det verkligen Aristoteles som uppfann internet?; (preliminary slides, Quicktime presentation and some background material)
- April 2nd, 2003: Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, Description logics;
- March 5th, 2003: Mats Petter Pettersson, AI@CS, Constraint Satisfaction under Uncertainty;
- February 19th, 2003: Bertil Ekdahl, CS, LTH, Formal Systems and Models;
- January 29th, 2003: Laura Begu?é Granged and Germ?án Latorre Ant?ín, University of Zaragoza, Spain, Progress in the development of the Generic Layered Architecture;
- December 18th, 2002: Gunnar Bolmsjö, Robotics, LTH, Presentation of research at Robotics Division, LTH;
- December 4th, 2002: discussion on "Do genetic algorithms implement real evolution?". Robert introduces;
- November 20th, 2002: Coffee meeting with Rao Vemuri, University of California, Davis;
- November 7th, 2002: Paul Davidsson, BTH, Evaluating Multi-Agent System Architectures;
- October 30th, 2002: V. Rao Vemuri, University of California, Davis, Use of K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Intrusion Detection;
- October 9th, 2002: Maozu Guo, Harbin Institute of Technology, Extension Matrix and Its Algorithms;
- September 25th, 2002: Paul Reinerfelt, AI@CS, The Generate-Revise* Model of Design;
- September 11th, 2002: Slawomir Nowaczyk, AI@CS, Analytical Machine Learning in Bridge Bidding;
- August 29th, 2002: Stefan Johansson, BTH, Flertomtesystem (Multi-agent systems);
- May 21st, 2002: Alessandro Saffiotti, OrU, Team Sweden;
- May 7th, 2002: Roger Jonsson, MDH, Markov chain-based models of genetic algorithms;
- April 23rd, 2002: Bertil Ekdahl, CS, LTH, Reproductive Robots and Evolution;
- April 9th, 2002: Klas Nilsson, CS, LTH, The mind exists to control the body;
- March 26th, 2002: Daniel Einarsson, CS, LU, Hierarchical models of anticipatory systems;
- March 12th, 2002: Mikael Asker, Reasoning with temporal constraints;
- February 26th, 2002: Eric Astor, AI@CS, Planning as Model Checking;
- February 12th, 2002: Paul Reinerfelt, AI@CS, Sparse distributed memory models;
- January 29th, 2002: Jacek Malec, AI@CS, A simple model of robot cooperation;