When: November 5th, 13:15 - 15:00 in LUCAS-room (E:4130)This week we have:Liam Neric, MSc project idea and approach presentation.Liam works towards understanding of residual physics in robot trajectories (and ideally forces ;-),...[more]
Apply for a PhD position in AI / Human-Robot Interaction with the Department of Computer Science! Deadline May 31, 2017[more]
During euRobotics week 2015, about 20 one-hour-long guided tours were arranged in Robot Lab at Lund University. The main audience were about 670 school children and students of all ages from 20 different school classes in the...[more]
Den här veckan arrangeras European Robotics Week, en vecka där man över hela Europa har olika aktiviteter på robotforskningslabb och robotforskningsinstitutioner. På Lunds Tekniska Högskola arrangeras guidade visningar för elever...[more]
LUCAS-day 2014 as part of the grand opening of Mobile Heights Center. Full program available![more]