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CS BSc Thesis Presentation 31 January 2025


From: 2025-01-31 14:00 to 15:00
Place: E:2405 (Glasburen)
Contact: birger [dot] swahn [at] cs [dot] lth [dot] se

One Computer Science MSc thesis to be presented on 31 January

Friday, 31 January there will be a bachelor thesis presentation in Computer Science at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering.

The presentation will take place in E:2405 (Glasburen).

Note to potential opponents: Register as an opponent to the presentation of your choice by sending an email to the examiner for that presentation ( Do not forget to specify the presentation you register for! Note that the number of opponents may be limited (often to two), so you might be forced to choose another presentation if you register too late. Registrations are individual, just as the oppositions are! More instructions are found on this page.

14:00-15:00 in E:2405 (Glasburen)

Presenter: Stefan Fälthammar
Title: A N-body Simulation using a Bounding Volume Hierarchy Structure
Examiner: Michael Doggett
Supervisor: Rikard Olajos (LTH)

This thesis examines a way of combining the use of the BVH tree with the N-body simulation on a 2Dimensional plane. The outcome is compared to the outcome of a Direct Sum, using a double for loop. The N-body simulation is used to simulate a system of particles (bodies) that have a dynamic interaction, namely gravitation. In this work a combination of the structure of the BVH and the algorithm of the N-body simulation was made with the ambition to see when the BVH solution becomes faster than the Direct approach, which has a double for-loop approach and has a time complexity of O(N2), whereas the BVH tree has a time complexity of O(N∙log(N)). The results from higher numbers of particles in the simulation shows that the BVH becomes time effective in comparison with the direct approach.

Link to popular science summary: