Robotics and Semantic Systems

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LTH AI and Digitalization Seminar: Maj Stenmark


From: 2024-03-19 09:00 to 10:00
Place: E:2311, Dept. of Electrical and Information Technology, E-building, Ole Römers väg 1, Lund
Contact: emma [dot] soderberg [at] cs [dot] lth [dot] se

LTH AI and Digitalization Seminar: The path to autonomous robots in the operating room: technical, social and legal challenges with Maj Stenmark from Department of Computer Science

** Please sign up here by March 13 ***

Title: The path to autonomous robots in the operating room: technical, social and legal challenges

Abstract: Lund University and Children’s Heart Center has a collaboration with a clear vision: in 20 years, there should be a robotic surgeon in the operating room. Remote controlled surgical robots have been used for decades in minimally invasive surgeries, but autonomous medical robots are new and still used only in experimental settings. There are many challenges, primarily technical, but also social and legal. Technical challenges include perception, e.g., recognizing tissue and vessels, and human robot interaction during surgery. The healthcare sector has a low degree of automation, and new technology and methods must be introduced carefully. Legally, there are strict regulations, from ethical approval of research to CE-certification of medtech products. Our current research focus on object recognition in video data from heart surgeries and handover scenarios using a robotic scrub nurse. There is a test bed at the Tissue Bank for robotic experiments. 

The breakfast seminars are scheduled once per month with the main purpose of triggering multi-disciplinary discussions and potential collaborations. We have two more breakfast seminars arranged in the spring semester as following:
•    April 23, at the Department of Automatic Control, the speaker will be Ida Arvidsson from the Centre for Mathematical Sciences 
•    May 21, at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, the speaker will be Johan Thunberg from the Department of Electrical and Information Technology

Organizer: LTH Profile Area: Pillars of AI and Digitalization
